Chilton REIT Approach

Using fundamental analysis to optimize risk adjusted returns

Chilton offers four different portfolios depending on client needs:

flagship reit strategy

25-35 publicly traded REITs (common equity only) targeting growth and income

High conviction REIT Strategy

8-14 publicly traded REITs (common equity only) with a goal of high growth

REIT Income strategy

Mix of 10-20 REIT positions (common and preferred equity) with a goal of secure income and steady growth

global real estate strategy

Combination of Flagship REIT Strategy and an international real estate exchange traded fund (or ETF)

Chilton has a disciplined fundamental approach to stock selection:

Idea Generation

Portfolio managers approve analyst proposal or assign due diligence

Fundamental Research

●  SEC Filings
●  Third party / Wall Street research
●  Property tours
●  Meetings with management Macro-and micro-economic data
●  Conversations with local brokers

Outputs of Research

●  Proprietary financial model
●  Investment thesis  
●  Presentation to the PMs


●  Enters coverage universe with approval of buy/sell prices
●  PMs add when cash is generated from a sell or incoming dividends
●  Informed by risk parameters


●  Weekly REIT team meetings  
●  Monthly review of parameters  
●  Quarterly formal risk committee meetings  
●  Bloomberg factor risk models

Diversification of the Flagship Chilton REIT Strategy (as of 9/30/2024)


Sector Diversification

REIT GEographic Distribution

by NCREIF Region Composite Portfolio